Criterion 2 - Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
Key Indicator - 2.3 Teaching - Learning Process
Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experience and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process
Student Centric Methods :
The foundational concept in an educational framework is to give prime importance for providing all round development of students. This focused and student centric approach is reflected in our policies too. The importance of academic excellence is to teach the students while concurrently learning human values, professional ethics, discipline, inventiveness and personality progress during their study period and continue throughout life. Integrating formal and informal learning approaches provides wide opportunities more than just classroom knowledge, but also helps to apply this knowledge in the real world.
Experiential learning:
Micro Projects: “Project Based learning”
Micro Projects are a small version of project based learning focused on the real time application and provide possibly to integrate the previously acquired knowledge. Micro Projects is carried out among the small groups ie 3-4students.
Professional clubs:
Every department has a professional club run by the students themselves. Hackathons, Tech fests, SUPRA SAEIndia, Robowar, Aero design challenge are organized every year. Through these competitions students gain practical knowledge and design experience.
Participative learning:
In MLRIT, starting from first year to fourth year seminars is conducted for students to improve their presentation skills, communication skills and inter personal skills. In addition, such opportunities help to the students to prepare and understand the latest technologies and other updates.
Problem solving methodologies:
COTs– Concept Oriented Tutorials to improve Higher Order Thinking Skills It’s noted that deficiencies exist in enhancing problem solving skills. The traditional model lacks in providing sufficient motivation for engineering undergraduates. COTs activity is aimed at developing the critical and analytical skills where students are expected not only to understand what they read but also pick it apart, analyze, evaluate and assess.
EPICS “Engineering Projects in Community Service”
This is one unique program were students are connect to community and try to design/ build and deploy systems to solve community -based problems in teams.
Information and communication technology (ICT):
Information and communication technology (ICT) in education is available on the MLRIT campus to assist, enhance, and optimize educational delivery. The Learning Management System (LMS), and was effortlessly utilized by faculty and students because of the training programs that were conducted.
Information and communication technology (ICT):
Information and communication technology (ICT) in education is available on the MLRIT campus to assist, enhance, and optimize educational delivery. The Learning Management System (LMS), and was effortlessly utilized by faculty and students because of the training programs that were conducted.
1. ICT Resources
The use of ICT in education enhances the effectiveness of learning and adds value to teaching and learning. ICT has the potential to improve student learning and teaching approaches.
2. LMS
Faculty prepares the course ICT material such as PPTs, NPTEL Videos and Lecture Notes related to the course contents.
E-Learning Resources
1. The E-resource Such like IEEE, Springer, Developing Library Network (DELNET), ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), National Digital Library (NDL) , the Science Citation Index (SCI), Scopus Indexed Journals, Open Course Wares, Newspaper Directory for the World and PATENT Digital Library are available. Earlier semester question papers can be downloaded from the college.
2. MLRIT developed CIE cell to encourage the students in taking up innovative projects, working models, Entrepreneurship courses and Incubation.
3. MLRIT provide Online portal (ERP) system for the students to access their academic activities.
The institution adopts effective Mentor-Mentee Schemes to address academics and student-psychological issues
MLR institute of technology provides better mentoring strategies to the students to achieve their goals. Mentoring includes various types of environments and relationship like formal and informal approaches. Formal approach focus to develop effectiveness within a structured programme. The college will arrange training programmes for faculties time by time to improve their mentoring skills. Except Principal, Deans, HoD’s all other faculties get the allocation of mentees. Continuous mentoring is provided by mentors throughout their program. In addition based on the requirements more mentoring will be provided to the identified students. All mentoring information will be maintained as confidential. Mentors also recommend mentees to the Counselling Cell based on the requirement. The institute has an independent but well-defined and well coordinating mentoring system in every department. The departments will have a pre-defined scheduled which will be escalated to the stakeholders in advance. The system will assess the need of mentoring of the students and a proactive approach will be followed and if needed even a professional from outside will be hired for the sessions. The purpose of the mentoring will be improvement in academic performance, developments of new skills, confidence etc., among students. Slow and advance learners are identified by based on their previous academic performances.
For mentorship; the following procedure shall be followed at MLRIT:
1. Mentor will be nominated for an average of 20 students.
2. The mentors will own a group of an average of 20 students and encourage the students to Interact freely with them. They will perform the role of a guardian.
3. Mentor will have a constant liaison with the class in-charge to get feedback for his/her group of 20 students about the activities listed in student counseling book.
4. Mentors are informed to conduct mentoring on every last Saturday of the month. In case of any holiday, it shall be conducted immediate next working day.
5. Mentors are directed to maintain mentor manuals diligently and file compliance to the HOD annually. Hod’s conduct the impact analysis meeting with all mentors at the end of every semester and send the report to the IQAC cell.
6. Mentor will continuously monitor their performance and guide them for overall growth and development. He/she will maintain an excellent report with parents who are informed of the progress of their wards on a regular basis.
7. Finally the mentor being the guardian of the mentees will aim to ensure the following for his/her group of students: No detention, No backlog, certifications courses, academic achievements training and placement, Discipline, Ethics and moral, Higher studies etc.
Preporation and adherence of Acoclemic catencta, arul rerrctri,tg Plans by the institution
Academic Calendar
MLR lnstitute of Technology has unifbrmity towards implementing the Semester Scheme for all academic programmes. In order to provide excellent academic flexibility to all the stakeholders involved in it. An academic calendar is structured based on the consultation with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Controller of Examinations, Department Heads & other decision-making authorities. Each academic year is divided into two (Odd & Even) semesters. Every semester is planned approximately for 14 to 15 weeks. During the semester different activities will be provided for advanced and slow learners to help the students. The calendar includes various important curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular deeds that to be conducted during the academic year to assist the stakeholders. This enables the students to be well prepared and to participate in all variety of activities.
IQAC sends Circulars to all the Departments, Committees/Cells etc to prepare their academic Plan, and the same is subtly integrated with the Academic Calendar. In the academic calendar, every department includes activities like Conferences, Faculty Development Programs (FDP), industrial visits, value added programs, professional body activities workshops, symposiums, Faculty Induction Programs (FIP), Seminars, training programs and various club events, public holidays etc., apart from internal & external examinations.
After getting approval from the IQAC, the academic calendar will be published on the institution website ( and displayed on the college notice board in advance and communicated to all stake holders as well. Adherence to the schedule is monitored by the principal office. A one-week induction programme will be conducted for the UG students at the beginning of the first year to guide students and make them feel comfortable with the new system.
Teaching Plan
Every faculty prepares a teaching plan with the detailed description of the topics to be delivered and how effectively it can be done during the class time. The faculties are encouraged to use ICT. Faculties are guided to follow different Active Learning Strategies in the teaching process in order to enable learning in students with different capabilities. Every month, an academic audit with respect to syllabus coverage, activities conducted is carried out by the IQAC. The audit ensures the adherence of teaching & other activities with respect to the designed academic calendar.
The teaching plan is structured in accordance with the needs of Outcome-Based Education (OBE). The contents of the course file are as follows to meet these requirements.
1. Academic calendar.
2. Student roll list.
3. Class time table & individual time table.
4. Syllabus Copy includes (Course overview, Course objectives and outcomes, Learning resources like: text books, reference books, e-books, e- resources, Assessment methods and MOOC course links).
5. Mapping of course outcomes with PO’s and PSO’s.
6. Session Plan/Teaching Plan including (Link to the video lectures, Delivery methodologies, Active Learning Methodologies).
7. Seminar topic.
8. Assignment and tutorial questions with answers and Sample assignments.
9. List of slow learners and remedial actions.
10. 20 Objective type questions with answers per unit & for a core subjects 20 core Objective type questions with answers per unit.
11. Curriculum feedback.