Criterion 4 - Curricular Aspects
Key Indicator - 4.2 Curriculum Design and Development
Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the faculty and students
The Central Library at MLR Institute of Technology is quite large and exceptionally well organized. It has a total area of 1075 square meters, with two floors of which 400 square meters dedicated to reading space out of the total area of 1075 square meters. More than 250 students are able to take advantage of the seating options available in the library at any given moment. New Gen Lib Software, version 3.3, is used in automating the system. An Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) is another name for this kind of system. MLR Institute of Technology uses ILMS to monitor library accessibility and record library usage. ILMS has an interface where a barcode reader reads the user's barcode on their ID card to record their entry and exit. The percentage of library usage per day by teachers and students is calculated based on ILMS data. The library also holds a substantial collection of books within its walls. It has a total of 5221 different titles, 38329 individual volumes, 143 domestic periodicals, and access to 81 international journals. The digital library is home to thirty different computers, all of which are linked to the same internet server. In addition to electronic books and publications, the digital library also contains a substantial collection of video lectures accessed through NPTEL. In addition to a bar-coding system, the library is installed with comprehensive digitalization procedure. It also offers DELNET, which allows users access to various resources with college's subscriptions. It is possible for students to read any one of the more than 1437 electronic journals that are provided by IEEE and ASME together. Both the World E-Book Library and the SCOPUS data source presently have a combined total of 5125 journal articles and electronic books that may be viewed by their respective users. The library now holds subscriptions to 224 different print periodicals, some of which are specialized magazines for professionals and others of which are academic journals published on a national and international scale. Using the automated self-service capability, users have the access themselves in and out at any time. The receipt, which lists the library materials that were borrowed and when they are due back, can now be printed at a kiosk that has been established in the library. The receipt can also be found on the library's website. The use of these digital materials is permitted on the condition that the user's IP address is first confirmed.`
Percentage of expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and
subscription to journals/e-journals year wise during the last
five years
Response: 1.02